Other Products Available

Once you meet Island Winston, the Coconut Man, and his friends, you’re sure to fall in love.

Here, you can find all kinds of cool products that help you remember to stay safe in any situation. From clothing and accessories to even more awesome music, you will enjoy a stronger awareness of safety with the products featured here.

Other Products:

  • Island Winston's Beach Bags, T-Shirts, Book of Poems, Frosted Cups, Coconut Recipes Book, Cooking with Coconut Aprons

Other CDs:

  • East Coast America Time To Prepare
  • Caribbean Tsunami (sans humanitae)
  • Tsunami means run from the sea (US version)
  • Never climb a volcano (US version)
  • I am the Fire Inspector Song (US version)
A cartoon of a person with an umbrella and coconut

Other Resources: